Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Wife's Alien Pod Belly

Today we will celebrate my wife's Alien Pod Belly by having a great big party!  Being the progressive Alien Queen Mother that she is, Jill didn't want a traditional sort of baby shower (although the image of raining babies caused her to giggle).  We decided instead to throw a regular sort of party instead, that way all us gents could come and splash our testosterone around.  Jill needs it.  If she gets any more estrogen her massive belly is going to take over her body.  This thing is huge!  Seriously, she looks like she could fit an adult howler monkey in there, or a couple chickens, maybe 47 hamsters.  If I hadn't seen the ultrasound of our little bundle of joy myself I'd be worried.

So we're headed to Yuca Cafe, across the street from the frame shop, to marvel at the girth of it all and have one big party before our little girl comes into the world.  Yes, if you didn't know, I'm having another girl.  This is no shock.  I've had three sisters and already have two daughters.  Obviously my fate is to be surrounded by women.  I'm not going to complain about this.  Women are pretty great!  Besides, I knew a guy who's fate was to be surrounded by mosquitoes.  Way worse.

I'd just like to say a few things about this baby before she squirts out.  I've had several friends look at all I'm doing (frame shop, game designing, writing, etc...) and sort of shake their heads in wonder at the fact that Jill and I are tossing a baby into this insane mix.  I'd have to be crazy right?  I mean, all that extra work that babies produce!  How the hell could I possibly manage this?

Well, I'm going to fill you all in on one of the secrets of life itself.

The things you love energize you.

That's it.  Pure and simple.  Sure, babies create work, but they also produce drive, motivation, and happiness.  Their positive output is greater than the effort of wiping their asses.  Everyone knows that doing a job you hate takes twice as long as doing a job you love.  I love being my own boss and working at the frame shop.  I love working with a talented team of people on this game project.  I love work-shopping with other authors.  I love raising kids.

At this point in my life, I'm barely doing anything I don't enjoy or feel good about.  Sure, I'm as poor as a toad and that annoys the crap out of me.  But that won't last forever.  And meanwhile, I'm thrilled that I'm going to be getting another little energy battery.

Just as soon as she bursts forth from the Alien Queen.

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