Wednesday, December 8, 2010

DeathScribe 2010

 So Monday night was DeathScribe!  It was here...

 And while the Mayne Stage isn't as old fashioned as the Music Box, it's still pretty classy and you're also able to take a pee without feeling like the chicks in the lobby can see your junk (any guy who's been to a Music Box event knows what I'm talking about). There's sweet balconies so you can loom like a gargoyle, and there's tables for drinks, etc... Actual serving staff who, while they didn't seem excited we were there, were certainly tolerant of a crowd comprised of the type of people who would brave icy cold Chicago on a weeknight for the chance at some horror.

And there was some horror, lemmie tell ya.  This year totally raised the bar.  I took third place.  This is nice.  Last year I took "You didn't win and we didn't rank any of you non-winner types place".  Third is a step up.  I think.  Who knows, I hypothetically could have taken second last year, or fifth.  My point: I like my copper.  Hell, my frame shop is covered in copper pipe.  I prefer it.

That awesome bloody axe went to David Schmidt.  He wrote and directed his own indy horror movie called The House of Black Wings, which I haven't had the chance to see, but looks pretty sweet for a do-it-yourselfer.  I'll toss the trailer at the bottom.  His DeathScribe entry was full of boils with tiny mouths on them, radioactive meteors, small town quarantines, and (my personal favorite) mutating trees that had leathery fruit the size of dogs and were, of course, filled with bloody meat.  It was a whole hell of a lot of pulp goodness.

This here's my story, Monitor Spectare.

It turned out excellent and the actors did a really great job.  Lance Baker even managed to find a kid for the creepy little girl role; Jennifer Baker.  Sadly, she broke her leg yesterday.  No joke.  It was too far after DeathScribe to attribute any sort of supernatural correlation though.  I hope she gets better soon, poor kid.  She did a great job.  Joe Foust and Molly Glynn haven't broken any limbs (yet).  They simply kicked all sorts of ass and conveyed my characters perfectly.  I was really happy with how this year turned out.  As soon as it's available, I'll link the podcast so you all can hear it too.

So, I don't want to ramble on, I'm new at this blog thing, but the other three stories were also pretty damn great.  There were demons and haunted husbands and the worst ding-dong-ditch ever.  The foley was sweet throughout the evening, I particularly liked the wind.  There were some musical sets between the intermission breaks and they were really good (appropriate witch themed songs).

It was really nice seeing a bunch of actors I'm getting to know up on stage doing their thing.  These people amaze me.  They're such good fakers.  I don't fake well.  I lie well, all storytellers do, but I can't fake.  Always impresses me.

For now, I leave you with a trailer from this year's DeathScribe winner.  Later...

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