Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Image Inspired Mini Story #3

When the green sea swallowed Marty Doman it felt more like milk to him than water. The dense algae laden soup turned his world into a thick viridian, and slowed everything down. He imagined being trapped inside one of his grandmother’s lime Jello dishes. The kind she always put mandarin oranges into, only now, he was inside it. This tray was as vast as the ocean and tasted of salt, not bitter fruits. It slowed his arms, his legs, but also his lungs, his thoughts. A bubble escaped from his nose and he watched it rise, gently, in front of his left eye. It took its time, undulating and wobbling, as it drifted to the surface, to freedom. He hoped he would find freedom too.

He started to take another step, to continue his walk along the bottom. He didn’t know how long he’d been going already. He smiled at the thought of checking his watch. It was supposed to be waterproof, shock resistant, and capable of telling him when he needed to be where, for his responsibilities. He didn’t look at it. Kelp stalks wound around his legs. There were no fish.

He wondered how far he would get. Could he reach those dark places? The ones so deep the sun could not touch him anymore, where the weight of the water would crush down and hold him tight, like being gripped in a loving fist. He hoped so. It had been so long since he’d been home.

This image is an artist named Kerry Skarbakka. He's got a whole series of cool underwater stuff, and also some very interesting images of people sort of falling, flying, being tossed out windows, etc... Super great stuff! It's all really fantastic. Check out his site.

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