But it wasn’t enough.
In a millisecond between, he was there. A slap from his hand shook her teeth loose and sent her careening to the stone. The run was broken. She crumpled.
There was no reason to look at him, and she did not. To set eyes upon this thing that had caught her was a torture in itself, one of the few horrors she could now prevent. She felt him, the rusty iron presence, the smell of his molten heart, looming. Leering.
But then she felt something else.
To her side, the ground erupted in a splash of limbs and gravel. Stone tentacles, bird wings, and flesh burst up like a blossom, growing up out of itself, rising into the air on legs of granite and bone. The form was not a man, but it was manlike, twisting and shifting in a storm of strange matter. A voice rumbled from this maelstrom.
“Get away from her!”
Her Illrian had come.
This image comes from Mario Sanchez. Everything in their gallery is freaking awesome. One of my favorites. Check it out. http://aegis-strife.deviantart.com/
I like this concept of doing picture prompt stories. I may have to imitate this on my blog. Nice looking blog, by the bye.
Thanks Josh! Feel free to imitate. It might be fun for both of us to pick the same image sometime and see what different things we come up with.